NUOS's request was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, which issued Order No. 157 of 15.02.2013 "On Establishment of the College of Shipbuilders of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding as a separate structural unit of NUOS".
Since 18 May 2020, according to Order No. 639 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the institution has been called the Separate Structural Unit "Professional College of Shipbuilders of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding".
The college has been providing education since 2014.
The first graduation of junior specialists in the speciality 5.05010101 "Maintenance of software systems and complexes" took place in July 2017, and the same year the speciality was successfully accredited. Since then, more than 85 junior specialists have been trained.
Foreign colleagues, especially China, have become interested in training specialists in computer and shipbuilding due to the availability of highly qualified academic staff, modern laboratory and material and technical facilities, and many years of cooperation at NUOS. This contributed to the approval of a specialised joint curriculum for junior specialists between the Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding and the Zhoushan International Maritime College.
Since September 2020, the training of professional junior bachelors in the speciality 122 "Computer Science" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 19.12.2019 No. 1015-l) has been carried out, the first graduation of which took place in June 2023.
In 2022, the speciality 141 "Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics" was licensed (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 124-l dated 04.07.2022), the first intake of applicants for professional higher education in this speciality took place in September 2023, and the first graduation will take place in June 2026.
The college provides full-time education for applicants for professional higher education on the basis of a complete general secondary education and a skilled worker qualification.
The term of study at the college is 8 months or 2 years and 10 months (depending on the chosen speciality).
After graduation and successful defence of the qualification work, graduates receive a state diploma for the junior specialist's degree (from 2023 - a professional junior bachelor's degree). During their studies, students can also receive a certificate of a working qualification provided for in the curriculum of the relevant speciality according to the models approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Most graduates successfully pass the entrance exams and enter Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding to obtain higher education at the first (bachelor's) level and then at the second (master's) level in many specialities of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding.
This approach will contribute to the development of the material and technical base, methodological and scientific training of junior specialists, and the expansion of international relations. The end-to-end training provides an opportunity to get education from complete secondary education at the Mykolaiv Maritime Lyceum named after M. Aleksandrov to a master's degree from NUOS, which meets the requirements of the Bologna Process.